
General conditions of use of web site and privacy policy

This website and its content is entirely owned by NEVENTUM, S.L., hereinafter "THE COMPANY", company with NIF number B-43965201, registered office in the city of Barcelona, Cros Street, number 7 (CP 08014) and registered in the commercial register of the city of Barcelona, in Volume 2,456, Folio 162, Sheet T-39494.

Similarly, this page is part of the set of domains owned by the company, like




The use of this Website, as well as its sub-domains and/or directories ((hereinafter jointly referred to as the "Site") is subject ti both these Terms of Use, as to the specific conditions (hereinafter, the “Particular Conditions”) which, as the case, may govern the use of certain services offered therein. Thereby, prior to the use of such services, the User must also carefully read this Legal Notice, and, if applicable, the corresponding Particular Conditions. Likewise, the use of the Site is also subject to all warnings, regulations and instructions that, made known to the User by THE COMPANY, substitute, complete and/or modify these Terms of Use.

By the mere use of the Site or any of the sites included on it, the User expresses his full acceptance of these Terms of Use. Therefore, if you don't agree with the conditions described in this Legal Notice, please do not use the Site. The use of the Site, its services and content, implies the full acceptance of the legal terms contained in this text.

THE COMPANY reserves the right to make changes to the Site without prior notification, in order to update, amend, modify, add or delete the contents of the Site or its design. The contents and services on the Site are regularly updated. Since updating the information is not immediate, we recommend you to always check the validity and accuracy of the information, services and content contained on the Site. Likewise, the terms and conditions included in this Legal Notice may unilaterally vary depending on the trade policy developed by the company, so we invite you to review these terms each time you visit the Site.

Access to some of the sections of this Site may redirect you to other pages of THE COMPANY, where you'll find the relevant General Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy, all in line with those contained in this page.


The use of the Site and, as the case, your Registry, confers you the status of Site User (hereinafter the “User”) and implies full and unreserved acceptance of all and each provisions contained both in this Legal Notice as in the Privacy Policy, and, as the case, further modifications that are revealed and/or published by THE COMPANY on the Site.

Once registered, the User expressly accepts to be subject to these Terms of Use. He also accepts that his profile will be published on the Site, and that other registered Users can review and rate his services. The User will have the opportunity to reply to these opinions, comments and scores. THE COMPANY, however, is not responsible for the opinions performed by other Users, but, if it considers that the content of such opinions may result offensive, derogatory or defamatory, THE COMPANY can delete the comment, and even suspend or eliminate the User who has made a review with those characteristics.


The User agrees to use the Site and its services in accordance with the terms stated in this Legal Notice, being responsible for its proper use. Without prejudice to what's stated below, the User agrees and is obligated to not use the Site for the provision of services, advertising or commercial exploitation activities.


Some of the offered services require the User's prior registration in THE COMPANY's Site. In order to do so, the User must read and expressly accept, before using such services, the Registration Conditions and the Privacy Policy. All information provided by the User must be truthful. For this purpose, the User guarantees the authenticity of all data communicated as a result of completing the necessary registration forms and accessing to certain services. Then, it is also the User's responsibility to keep all information provided constantly updated, so that it always matches the User's real situation. In any case, the User shall be solely responsible for any false or inaccurate statements made and for the damages that such erroneous information may cause to the COMPANY or to third parties.

Anyone who sends communications to this Site or to its owners, is responsible for its content, also regarding its accuracy and precision, not being, therefore, the COMPANY responsible for any of the content posted by third parties.

However, and in compliance with the provisions of art.11 and 16 of Law 34/2002 of Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, THE COMPANY makes itself available to all users, authorities and security forces, to collaborate actively in the withdrawal or blocking of all content that might affect or violate national law or international rights, or morality and public order. If the User considers that there is on the Site any content that could be susceptible to this classification, please notify the Site's owner as quickly as possible.


The User is obligated to not use the Site or the services offered on or through it, to perform activities contrary to law, morals, public order, abusive to the rights and interests of others, or activities that in any other way damage, disable, overburden, deteriorate or prevent the normal use of the Site.

The User that acts against the image, good name or reputation of THE COMPANY, and/or uses in an illegal or fraudulent ways the designs, logos or content of the Site and/or violate in any way the intellectual and industrial rights of the Site or of its content and services, will be liable to THE COMPANY for such actions.

For the purposes here specified, the content is understood as (this is not a limited list): texts, photographs, graphics, images, icons, technology, software, links and other audiovisual or audio content, as well as graphic design and source codes. In particular, the User agrees to refrain from: a) reproduce, copy, distribute, make available or otherwise publicly communicate, transform or modify the Content (unless you have obtained the authorization of the corresponding rights or if it is legally allowed); b) delete, manipulate or in any way modify the “copyright” or any of the identifying data of the reserved rights of THE COMPANY and its owners.


The design of the Site and its source codes, logos, trademarks and other distinctive signs that appear in it, belong to THE COMPANY or to collaborating entities, and they are protected by the corresponding intellectual and industrial property rights.

The logos and melodies, etc, contained in THE COMPANY server are also protected by the corresponding intellectual and industrial property rights. Under no means should one understand that the use of access to the Web Page on one side and/or to the services that are offered on the other side, gives some type of right for the mentioned brands, commercial names and/or distinguishing signs. Its use, reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation or any other similar or analogous activity, is strictly prohibited without the express authorization of the company. The license given to the User for the use of the content contained in this Site is limited to the download of such content and professional use of it, as long as the contents are kept intact.

All the content, comments or information that the User registers and/or deposits on THE COMPANY's Site by interacting with its multiple applications, will be owned by THE COMPANY. Therefore, the User expressly consents the free transfer of all his rights when he introduces content on the Site, without prejudice to those that have a strictly personal nature, for which the User can always exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition.

THE COMPANY declares its respect for the industrial and intellectual property rights of others; therefor, if you think that this Site may be violating your rights, please contact THE COMPANY by writing to the following email address:


THE COMPANY strictly forbids “framings” or the use of any other mechanism that may alter the design, original configuration or contents of the Site.


THE COMPANY complies with the Organic Law 15/1999 on the protection of personal data and any other regulations in force regarding it, and maintains a Privacy Policy on personal data, in which you'll find the use that THE COMPANY makes of personal data, and the essential circumstances of such use and the security measures that are applied to personal data, in order to prevent unauthorized access to it.


THE COMPANY may use cookies. Cookies are files that are downloaded on your computer when you access certain web pages. Cookies enable a website to, among other things, store and retrieve information about browsing habits of a User or an Equipment, and, depending on the information, it can be used to recognize the User. The User's browser stores cookies in the hard drive only during the current session, occupying a minimum memory space and not damaging the computer. Cookies do not contain any specific personal information, and most of them are deleted from the hard drive at the end of the session (the so-called “Session Cookies”).

Most browsers accept cookies as standard and, independently thereof, allow or prevent (in the security settings) the temporary or stored cookies. Without your express consent – through the activation of Cookies in your browser – THE COMPANY won't link in Cookies the data stored with your personal data, provided at the time of your registration and/or purchase.

What type of cookies are used in this Site?

  • Technical Cookies: these cookies enable the user to navigate through a website, platform or application and to use its different options and services, such as traffic control, data communication, session identification, etc, or to access to restricted zones, remember the elements of an order, perform the buying process of an order, fill out applications, use security features while browsing stored content, to broadcast videos or sound or share content via social networks.
  • Personalization Cookies: these cookies enable the user to access the service with some of the general characteristics that are predefined according to a series of criteria in the user's terminal, such as language, the kind of browser used to access the service, the regional configuration and settings from which service is accessed, etc.
  • Analytical Cookies: these cookies, treated by THE COMPANY or others, enable us to quantify the number of Users and, this way, measure and statistically analyze how the Users use the services offered. The data gathered from your browsing of our website is used to improve the products and services we offer.
  • Advertising Cookies: these cookies, treated by THE COMPANY or others, allow us to more efficiently manage the offer of advertising spaces in the Site, adjusting the ad content to the services you require or to how you use the website. To do so, we can analyze your browsing habits on the Internet and we can show you ads related to your browsing profile.
  • Behavioral Advertising Cookies: these cookies enable the management of the advertising spaces that, as the case, the editor has included on the website, application or platform from where the requested service is provided. These cookies store information about users' behavior that has been gathered through ongoing tracking of their browsing habits, making it possible to develop specific, targeted advertising.
  • Third Party Cookies: THE COMPANY's Site can use third-party services that, on behalf of THE COMPANY, compile information for statistical purposes, about the site usage by the User, in order to provide other related services. Specifically, this website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service provided by Google, Inc., a company established in the USA and with head offices at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, California 94043. To provide these services, Google Analytics uses cookies that gather information, including the user's IP address, which is then transferred, handled and stored by Google according to the terms and conditions laid out on, including the possibility of this data being passed on to third parties when required to do so by law or if the third parties in question process this information on behalf of Google. By using this Site, the User expressly agrees with the treatment of information obtained in the manner and for the above purposes. The User also recognizes that he can refuse the treatment of such data/information by rejecting the use of Cookies, by selecting the appropriate settings in his browser. However, we expressly warn you that this option (of blocking cookies in your browser) may not allow the full use of all the features of the Site. If you have any doubts regarding this Policy of Cookies, you can contact THE COMPANY at its registered office in person, by mail, or via e-mail to this address:


Misuse of the Site. THE COMPANY has created the Site for the diffusion of its activities and to facilitate the access to its services, but cannot control the use of it in a different way than provided in this Legal Notice.

Hence, the access to the Web Page and the correct use of the inherent information are the sole responsibility of the one that is committing these actions and not of THE COMPANY (for neither the incorrect or illicit or careless use of the so named User nor for the knowledge of the possible third parties that do not have the authority of the clase, conditions, characteristics and circumstances of the use that the Users make of the Web Page and its services). Likewise, THE COMPANY shall not be liable for damages of any kind that may arise from the impersonation of another by a User in any kind of communications through the Site.


THE COMPANY provides all the contents in the Site in good faith and makes the best efforts to have them constantly updated; nevertheless, THE COMPANY can not take any responsibility regarding the use or access that an User performs outside the area to which the Site is addressed, whose ultimate responsibility lies with the User.


The purpose of the Website and the App is to offer an advertising services that allows suppliers, companies, agencies and brands related to the booths, hostesses, catering and event services sector in general (hereinafter referred to “the suppliers” or individually considered “the supplier”) to communicate and advertise their services with customers that require those specific services (hereinafter referred to “the customers” or individually considered “the customer”). Likewise, the customers can announce their budget requests, so that interested suppliers can contact them to provide information about the services.

neventum offers information to its customers about suppliers, companies, agencies and brands related to the event services sector as well as the possibility of requesting quotes from suppliers and contacting them. In addition, the services includes information about the suppliers, since the customers can write public reviews in the Website and in the App about the service provided from the recommended suppliers.

Neventum offers customers the possibility of requesting quotes from the supplier that are announced. For this, the registered customer provides the information and characteristics of the product/service on which you want to request a budget and commits to being truthful and adjusted to reality. In any case, the customer or supplier will be the only responsible for the false or inaccurate information that they provide and for the damages that may be caused to neventum or to third parties for giving that information.

When requesting a quote, the customer allows that their contact data and the content of their request be transferred to third parties. By this, neventum will give the data to the suppliers, with the purpose of contacting them to provide the requested budget or information on the requested service. Such communication of personal data is necessary to carry out the service requested by the User and is regulated in the Privacy Policy.

The aim pursued by THE COMPANY with this Site and all its sub-domains is to offer its Users updated, detailed and free information about fairs and international events. However, THE COMPANY can not guarantee the accuracy and correctness of all the information available on the Site, given that: a) in some cases, the obtained information comes directly from other Users, without being validated or confirmed by THE COMPANY's team before its publication; b) in other cases, because the fairs & events organizers modify dates and locations, or cancel the events, without communication or publicizing it to THE COMPANY. Therefore, the User agrees and is committed to act with due diligence, verifying and confirming that the information is accurate ans hasn't been changed before hiring the services offered on the Site. Under no circunstances will THE COMPANY be liable for any damage that the User may suffer (loss of business opportunities or any kind of damages), as result of an information available on the Site.


THE COMPANY is committed to implement all necessary measures to try to ensure the absence of viruses, worms, Trojan Horses and other similar elements on the Site. However, these measures are not infallible and, therefore, we can not fully ensure the absence of such harmful elements. Consequently, THE COMPANY will not be liable for any damages that they could produce to the User.


THE COMPANY has completed all necessary contracts for the continuity of its Site and will make every effort so that it will be uninterrupted, but can not guarantee the absence of technological failure, or the permanent availability of the Site and its services. Therefore, THE COMPANY assumes no responsibility for any damages that may be generated by the lack of availability and/or access failures caused by disconnections, failures, overloads or network outages not attributable to the company network.


The applicable law, in case of dispute or conflict of interpretation of the terms comprising this Legal Notice, and any matter related to the services of this Site, shall be the Spanish Law. For the resolution of any conflict that may arise (because of the visit to the Site or the use of its services), THE COMPANY and the User agree to submit to the Courts and Judges of THE COMPANY's domicile, as long as the User does not hold the state of consumer, in which case it will be given the immunity provided by law.


THE COMPANY gives facilitates the access to other websites that we believe may be of your interest. The purpose of these links is to facilitate the search for resources that may be of your interest. However, some of these pages do not belong to THE COMPANY, and we do not review its content. Therefore, THE COMPANY will not be responsible for those pages and content, nor for any damages that may arise from accessing and/or using it.

The link of a web page or an email address to the Site is not allowed, unless you have the express written permission given by THE COMPANY. Additionally, these links must respect the following conditions: (a) they may only make links to the Home Page or Main Page of this Site; (b) the establishment of said link does not assume any agreement, contract, sponsorship or recommendation by THE COMPANY of the page that makes such link, unless it results from a corresponding contractual relationship between the parties.

At any time, THE COMPANY may remove the authorization mentioned in the previous paragraph, without giving any explanation. In this case, the page that made the link must immediately remove it, as soon as it receives the withdrawal notification made by THE COMPANY.


Neventum manage the following user data categories:

  • Contact info: name, zip code, email, phone

  • Preferences: information that the user provides about their preferences, for example, the type of product.

  • Use of the website and communications: how you to use our website; if you open or forward our messages; as well the information collected through cookies and other tracking technologies.

neventum works exclusively with personal data provided by Users and does not deal with special categories of personal data (article 9 GDPR). The main purpose for which we manage the users information is to provide the services expressly requested in the information form.

neventum use the user data for the following purposes:

a) Providing the services requested by the User, based in the suppliers quotations and the follow up.

b) Providing the service of advertising and promotion for Suppliers;

c) Helping and providing support services to Users, notify service or account issues (for example, reset the password, communicate about improper conduct and, if necessary, report the suspension of the User's account);

d) Newsletters subscription and other commercial communications by email about neventum and business events or similar. The User may indicate his opposition to the reception of such bulletin at any time. Users expressly consent to receive these email messages, although they may unsubscribe (i) in the link specified in any communication sent by email, (ii) in their personal settings on the Website or (iii) by sending a email to []. However, this will not mean the cancellation of certain non-commercial communications, such as messages related to your account.

neventum legal basis for the users info management is the consent of the user (art 6.1 a) GDPR).

Subsidiarily, neventum will manage the data of the users as a consequence of the need for the execution of a contract in which the user is part of this.(Article 6.1b) RGDPR). This contract consists in the request of budgets by the customer and the publicity and promotion of the services of the Supplier.

In the suppliers case, neventum may also treat your data under the legal basis of legitimate interest of the Responsible (6.1.f) GDPR). This legitimate interest consists in the maintenance and promotion of commercial relations and suppliers between neventum and the suppliers and the prevention of fraud.

The communication of personal data by the user is voluntary and is not a condition or legal condition or contractual condition. However, the refusal of the user will mean the impossibility of providing certain services to the user by neventum.

The user can remove the consent at any time, without affecting the legality of the treatment based on the consent prior to it.

Neventum will always ask and inform the users for it consent before using their data for any purpose other than the ones described in this Privacy Policy.


neventum will communicate the personal info of the Users to the following recipients, which the User expressly accepts:

i) Up to five suppliers that appear any time in the neventum suppliers directory in order to comply with the request made by the customer;

ii) Anonymous, to advertising and programming suppliers to share statistics;


The personal data provided will be kept indefinitely, as long as the User request to delete it.


The user can get the confirmation on whether neventum is processing personal data that concerns them, as well the access to this information.

The user may request neventum the exercise of rights of access to personal data, rectification, deletion, management limitation, opposition and portability by sending an email to the address, attaching copy of the user official identification document and clearly expressing the right that you wish to ask. You can request the forms to ask the aforementioned rights to that email address.

Users may also submit a claim to a control authority.


The Site and the services offered on it have, in principle, an indefinite duration. However, THE COMPANY may terminate or suspend the provision of the Site and/or any of its services at any time, without prejudice of the provisions that might have been set about this matter in the corresponding Particular Conditions. For this purpose, THE COMPANY will communicate said circumstances on the access/login screen with a fifteen (15) day notice.

As such, THE COMPANY also reserves the right to suspend a User in the service, in case that he breaks or disrespects any of these Terms and Conditions or any of the special conditions applied to the contracted service. THE COMPANY reserves the right to unilaterally modify, at any time and without previous notice, the presentation and conditions of the Site, as well as its services and the conditions required for using them.